Section Opportunities and Leadership Positions

Sections are the backbone of BHBA, providing outstanding educational and networking opportunities to members.

Live Webinars

BHBA's multi-state accredited CLE webinars are presented by leading legal experts in their respective fields.

Networking Events

BHBA's networking events, known for fostering meaningful connections, cater to both new and seasoned lawyers.

Professional Development

BHBA's professional development opportunities offer workshops and seminars focused on current legal trends and practical skills.

Our sections, led by leading attorneys in their fields, present opportunities for networking, speaking, and creating and attending CLE programs. They are specifically designed to offer a wealth of resources and professional development opportunities, catering to the unique needs of both new and seasoned lawyers.

BHBA is thriving, and we owe much of our success to our dedicated section leaders.

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We are seeking enthusiastic leaders for all Sections. If you or someone you know would be a great fit, we encourage you to step forward or share this opportunity with them. Interested individuals can connect with us at to discuss roles and what they involve. Additionally, they can use this form to express their interest and request more details.
Your Name(Required)
I am interested in the following Sections(Required)

Tells us who you need and when below