Forrest S. Mosten is in mediation and collaborative law practice in Beverly Hills and La Jolla and is the author of Collaborative Divorce Handbook (Jossey-Bass, 2010), The Complete Guide to Mediation 2nd Edition (ABA, 2015), Unbundling Legal Services (ABA, 2017), Mediation Career Guide (Jossey-Bass, 2001), and Building a Successful Collaborative Practice (ABA, 2018). He specializes in high conflict mediations involving divorcing families, partnerships, employment disputes, probate, real estate, commercial disputes and other complex civil lawsuits.
Mr. Mosten has been honored by the ABA, LA County Bar Association, Beverly Hills Bar Association, Southern California Mediation Association, New York Council of Divorce Mediation, and Academy of Professional Family Mediators. Woody trains mediators and collaborative professionals worldwide. His pioneering work has been covered by the LA Daily Journal, LA Times, NY Times, USA Today, ABA Journal, LA Daily News, Chicago Tribune, the Wall Street Journal, Town & Country and other publications all over the world.
He is a member of the San Diego and Los Angeles Bar Associations, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, San Diego and Los Angeles Collaborative Law Groups, and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.
Woody is also a member of a small team of independent collaborative professionals and mediators serving Southern California.