Marta Alcumbrac is certified as a specialist in legal malpractice law by the State Bar of California. She has successfully represented lawyers and law firms in numerous legal malpractice and breach of fiduciary duty cases. She regularly identifies strategy for early resolution by quickly obtaining and accurately analyzing the relevant facts and developing a litigation plan for bringing the case to conclusion.
Marta brings the same creativity and determination to the practice of law that she used as a principal founder of the Los Feliz Charter School for the Arts, a public school started when Marta realized that parents in her community wanted another educational option for their children. Before joining Robie & Matthai, she practiced at Bonne, Bridges, Mueller, O’Keefe & Nichols, where her practice focused on the defense of medical malpractice cases. When medical issues are relevant (as they often are in legal malpractice cases arising out of personal injury cases), her medical malpractice expertise is an invaluable asset.
Marta currently is the President of the Association of Southern California Defense Counsel.