Melissa Kucinski

MK Family Law

Melissa A. Kucinski works with lawyers across the globe handling the international aspects of family law cases. In addition to her law degree, Melissa obtained a Master’s Degree from the American University School of International Service, focusing her studies on high conflict cross cultural mediation and crisis negotiation. She consulted for the Hague Conference on Private International Law on a range of issues related to the Hague Child Abduction and Child Protection Conventions.

Melissa is a seasoned author, writing the seminal handbook on representing children in domestic and international custody and abduction cases for the American Bar Association and co-authoring the West Academic text on international family law cases in U.S. courts. She is a dynamic speaker, presenting on international child abduction, relocation, and cross-border mediation for national and international organizations, like the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, the International Academy of Family Lawyers, the New York State Bar Association, and the American Bar Association.

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