James Park is Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law. He is a leading expert on securities regulation and corporate law. He studies public companies and their regulation, particularly with respect to the problem of securities fraud. He is the author of a history of securities fraud and its regulation, The Valuation Treadmill: How Securities Fraud Threatens the Integrity of Public Companies (Cambridge University Press 2022).
Professor Park has authored more than twenty-five articles on various aspects of securities regulation and corporate governance that have been published in the California Law Review, Duke Law Journal, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Michigan Law Review, and UCLA Law Review.
Professor Park teaches Business Associations, Civil Procedure, Securities Regulation, and a seminar on Advanced Topics in Corporate and Securities Law.
After graduating from Yale Law School, Professor Park clerked for federal judges in the Southern District of New York and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. He practiced law in New York City at a law firm and then as an Assistant Attorney General in the Investor Protection Bureau of the New York State Attorney General’s Office.