25-Hour Compliance Package

Original price was: $1,125.Current price is: $250.

ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and CoPilot: A Comparison Through Real-World Examples

Using real-world legal examples, this presentation will showcase the capabilities of industry-leading AI tools such as ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and CoPilot, demonstrating how they can be utilized in your legal practice.

Additionally, the presentation will address critical aspects of privacy and highlight the unique strengths of each AI tool, enabling you to make well-informed decisions when incorporating AI into your legal technology strategy.

Over the past two years, our speaker, Stephen M. Smith, has provided AI education to over 100 organizations, teaching them how to transform their businesses with AI tools to increase productivity, improve analytics, overhaul their content creation processes (from marketing content to legal briefs), lower costs, and increase revenues

Everyone’s a Little Uncivil And Biased Too

As the State Bar has recognized in its new MCLE requirements, incivility is an increasing problem in the legal profession. It is important to acknowledge that all of us at times, either intentionally or more likely unintentionally, contribute to this problem by acting uncivilly based upon our own biases. Moderated by internationally recognized McGill University assistant professor, Dr. Jordan Axt, who focuses his research on the formation of intergroup bias, this program will explore why we form these unintentional biases. It will then untangle the nexus between unintentional biases and incivility, and how we can learn to recognize these biases in order to curb our own incivility.

Ask the speaker a question. Email and be sure to include the program name in the subject line.

Preventing Burnout in the Legal Profession

Life as an attorney can be exhausting, overwhelming, and all-consuming. The constant stress and demands on your time can put any attorney in a never-ending cycle that can lead to burnout or otherwise harm the career you have worked so hard to build. In this program, family law attorney turned life coach and author Wendy Meadows will discuss what “burnout” really means, what it looks like in the legal profession, identify the signs to look for that might signal that burnout is on the horizon, and give you the tools you need to overcome burnout starting NOW! To delve even deeper into the discussion, special education lawyer and trained moderator Jackie Deam will be helping to facilitate the presentation to ensure Wendy answers the questions on everyone’s mind.

How to Achieve Success and Happiness

The presenters are Neville Johnson, author of the best-seller, The John Wooden Pyramid of Success, Stephen S. Marmer, MD and PhD, a top psychiatrist with an extensive and impressive resume, and Judge Stephen Pfahler’s (Superior Court, Stanley Mosk Courthouse), The Whole Truth For Lawyers, A Complete Guide To Flourishing In Your Life And Career. John Wooden created the legendary Pyramid and its elements will be discussed along with a discussion of the recent Harvard study on happiness, and Judge Pfahler will discuss his findings and conclusions on the subjects.

Microaggressions and Gaslighting in the Legal Profession

What is implicit bias and how can it manifest in almost undetectable ways in all aspects of the legal profession? Our distinguished panelists have been on every side of the legal profession: attorney, mediator, and judicial officer. They will discuss two prevalent, yet covert ways implicit bias affects every sphere of the legal profession: microaggressions and gaslighting. They will provide real life examples from the legal profession and what we as attorneys can do better to move the legal profession forward.

Understanding How Bias Plays a Role in Our Decision-Making

As lawyers, we are looked to for sound, strategic advice by our clients. We are asked to solve complex issues and often must navigate heightened emotions from various parties while diligently advising our clients. In the session, you will learn how to have greater awareness of bias in decision making and how to interrupt bias before it negatively affects you and your client. Mindy Gulati will touch on the brain science of cognitive bias and dig into practical tips and tools for how to address bias as we navigate our ethical obligations to our clients.

Ethical Issues in Legal Billing

This program will explore the ethical duties of an attorney when billing clients, as well as best practices to avoid fee disputes and ensure entitlement to payment.

Ethics of Using AI: An Examination of The California Bar’s AI Regulations

The State Bar of California has adopted new guidelines which address the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the legal profession. The “Practical Guidance for the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Practice of Law,” which is influenced by the recommendations of the Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct (COPRAC), touches upon confidentiality, competence, compliance, communication, candor, billing, and bias. The goal is to clarify what ethical obligations lawyers have and what pitfalls to avoid when relying on AI.

Lawyers need to know about this evolving technology in order to understand the coming regulation, avoid non-compliance, and to protect the public.

This program will review the new guidelines and how AI promises to revolutionize the practice of law.

Understanding Attorney Obligations under RPC 8.3, The New Rat Rule

The new Rule of Professional Conduct 8.3, that requires lawyers to report other lawyers for certain types of illegal conduct, has generated questions about when it is necessary to report conduct, what types of illegal conduct are required to be reported, and what types of conduct shouldn't be reported. This program will provide guidelines for the average practitioner and will also address reporting requirements when the conduct comes from lawyers within the same firm, pursuant to Rules 5.1 and 5.2. This knowledge is essential for anyone managing a law office, particularly since a violation can affect not only a lawyer involved in wrongdoing, but the lawyer or lawyers who could be disciplined for failing to report the errant lawyer.

Complicated Ethics Issues in Fee Agreements

This panel of top attorneys in malpractice and ethics will discuss the complicated issues in fee agreements, including:

- Contingent fees of 50% or more
- Changing fee amounts mid-stream
- Can a contingent fee ever be increased after the initial K is entered?
- Taking a percentage of the client’s income in perpetuity (despite new counsel, new K having been negotiated, and other change of circumstances, can this be shoehorned into an unconscionability argument?)
- Nuances of referral fees; best practices for handling fee disputes
- Requirement of observing MFAA in B&P Code before compelling contractual arbitration
- Arbitration agreements
- When and what do you have to tell the client to seek independent counsel before agreeing (e.g., waiver of a jury trial is an essential right that needs to be carefully considered; that the loser in litigation may pay attorney’s fees)

The Art of Legal Writing

What’s the secret to good legal writing? Spoiler alert – the answer is not AI (yet). Like any craft, writing can be arduous, even for the seasoned practitioner. But the keys to good writing are not hidden. In this session, two experienced litigators (both former federal prosecutors and appellate law clerks) share tried and true tips on how to write persuasively and well. They will cover fundamental topics such as organizing a brief, structuring an argument, improving sentence flow, choosing the right words (and more). Whether you are beginning your legal writing journey or seeking to perfect your skills, this session is for you.

Section 998 Settlement Offers: How to Turn a Loss Into a Win, and Vice-Versa

Join our panelists for an exploration of the crucial aspects of Code of Civil Procedure Section 998. This program will equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of making, accepting, rejecting, and evaluating Section 998 offers.

Using Sanchez to Your Advantage

The CTA Has Been Declared Unconstitutional. What’s Next?

Join us for a panel discussion with experts who will explore the litigation, the constitutional issues it highlighted, and the decision's impact on reporting requirements and businesses. Our panelists include Vince Farhat, a litigator and former Assistant United States Attorney; Lydia Duynstee, a transactional business consultant; and Mark Hiraide, who advises entrepreneurs, startups, and publicly traded companies.

This is a webinar you won't want to miss.

The Secret History of the Right to Privacy

Amy Gajda is the Jeffrey D. Forchelli Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School and the author of Seek and Hide: The Tangled History of the Right to Privacy, named one of the New York Times’s 100 most notable books for 2022. Gajda will talk about the history of privacy with a special emphasis on media law from the very beginning of the United States (before Warren & Brandeis and their Harvard Law Review article, there was Adams & Cushing and their worries about privacy protection for “instances of male conduct”) through to today when media-related privacy interests seem robust, even at the Supreme Court.

The Ins and Outs of Arbitration Law

Jeffrey E. Raskin
Greines, Martin, Stein and Richland, LLP

Jeffrey Raskin is an appellate attorney and partner at Greines, Martin, Stein and Richland LLP (GMSR), where he handles all manner of civil appeals and writs. He has twice been honored with the prestigious California Lawyer Attorney of the Year (CLAY) Award for precedent-setting Supreme Court wins in vastly different areas of substantive law?arbitration law; estates & trusts; and attorney ethics. He has developed particular expertise handling a wide array of arbitration-related issues at the trial, appellate, and Supreme Court levels.

The Evolving 4th Amendment: Foundations of Cyber and Privacy Law

This lecture will focus on the foundations of cyber and privacy law, explaining the source of privacy and cyber law. It will then transition into an analysis of the modern applications of the laws and the legal instability created by outdated laws. An essential portion will be devoted toward demonstrating the Supreme Court’s updated perspectives of privacy and the consequences of that. Finally, this lecture will discuss contemporaneous issues that have been recently decided by the Supreme Court

The EU AI Act – A Primer for US Lawyers

The European Union’s recently adopted AI Act represents one of the most comprehensive attempts globally to govern the development and deployment of AI technologies. The reach of this new regulation extends far beyond the EU and will significantly impact providers of AI tools worldwide, both directly and indirectly.

We will break down some of the complexities of the law to help you proactively issue-spot AI-related legal issues facing your clients. The session will cover practical points on how the AI Act will impact various business sectors and what it specifically means for US-based operations, as well as a step-by-step plan to help guide clients on their journey to compliance and, and how to assess and manage AI technology providers to ensure compliance across borders.

Ask the speaker a question. Email and be sure to include the program name in the subject line.

Reclaim 10.0 Hours of Billable Time This Week

Are billable hour requirements the most stressful part of your practice as an attorney? Do you endlessly procrastinate entering your billing, forget certain billable tasks, under-bill some time, and feel tempted to pad your billing at the end of the day/week/month - to make up for these bad billing habits?

In this CLE, attorney and certified life coach Molly Kremer, will teach you 3 of her unique coaching strategies for reclaiming at least 10 hours of billable time each and every week. That's over 520 hours a year in added billing! This program is not about how to squeeze in 520 more hours of work. It is about reclaiming those hours so that you can finally meet or exceed your billable hour requirements, have more time for yourself, family and friends, and finally enjoy ALL of your legal practice.

Ouch! Piercing the Corporate Veil

This program will provide attorneys an understanding of the fundamentals and nuances of piercing the corporate veil. Program topics will include a discussion of what it means to pierce the corporate veil, applicability to different corporate structures, impact on shareholders, and the elements that the courts may look to in order to determine whether piercing the corporate veil is permissible.

Mastering the Art of License Agreements

This program, tailored for both newcomers and experienced professionals in the legal and business sectors, will explore the fundamentals and nuances of license agreements. This session will walk you through the critical aspects of negotiating, drafting, and managing license agreements with precision. Whether you are a licensor or a licensee, this webinar will provide you with essential insights to customize your contracts effectively to meet your client’s or business’ unique objectives. A must for professionals looking to deeper their understanding and maximize the benefits of license agreements

Ask the speaker a question. Email and be sure to include the program name in the subject line.

A Judicial Perspective on Unlawful Detainer Practice

In this program, the Honorable Lawrence Cho will share his insights and knowledge on Unlawful Detainer practice. Discussion topics will include: The COVID-era moratoria and the protections still in place today and how to try an unlawful detainer action before a judge or jury.

Fundamentals of Corporate Compliance and Strategies for Success

In this session we will discuss the nuts and bolts of a successful corporate compliance program. During this session you will learn:

- What is corporate compliance?
- What is the difference between corporate compliance and regulatory compliance?
- What are the seven elements of a corporate compliance program?
- What are success strategies for a corporate risk assessment?
- What are common areas for corporate compliance pitfalls?

Asha Muldro, Deputy General Counsel, Senior Managing Director, Guidepost Solutions.

Present Cash Value Explained!

Economist Dr. Matthew McMahon will explain the fundamental principles of calculating and understanding present cash value and its significance to attorneys. The program will emphasize the significance of using the correct methodology, suitable estimation techniques, and the possible effects on your client's final compensation. In addition, the program will provide a thorough analysis of individual and commercial claims. If you deal with economic damages and want to understand the true value of your client’s settlement or judgement, this course is a must!

The 411 on Nonprofit Formation

Nonprofit law attorney Heather Glick-Atalla will discuss the pros and cons of forming a nonprofit tax-exempt organization, the different types of nonprofits, and the formation process.

Credit Details
Credit Hours:
Specialty Area:
Eligible for credit in:

You may be able to self apply for credits in states not listed. BHBA provides CLE accreditation as described above. 

About the Package

This package fulfills all of your California MCLE requirements, including 4 hours of Legal Ethics, 2 hours Elimination of Bias (including 1 hour of Implicit Bias), 1 hour of Competence Issues, 1 hour of Wellness Competence, 1 hour of Civility, and 1 hour of Technology credit.

ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and CoPilot: A Comparison Through Real-World Examples

Using real-world legal examples, this presentation will showcase the capabilities of industry-leading AI tools such as ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and CoPilot, demonstrating how they can be utilized in your legal practice.

Additionally, the presentation will address critical aspects of privacy and highlight the unique strengths of each AI tool, enabling you to make well-informed decisions when incorporating AI into your legal technology strategy.

Over the past two years, our speaker, Stephen M. Smith, has provided AI education to over 100 organizations, teaching them how to transform their businesses with AI tools to increase productivity, improve analytics, overhaul their content creation processes (from marketing content to legal briefs), lower costs, and increase revenues

Everyone’s a Little Uncivil And Biased Too

As the State Bar has recognized in its new MCLE requirements, incivility is an increasing problem in the legal profession. It is important to acknowledge that all of us at times, either intentionally or more likely unintentionally, contribute to this problem by acting uncivilly based upon our own biases. Moderated by internationally recognized McGill University assistant professor, Dr. Jordan Axt, who focuses his research on the formation of intergroup bias, this program will explore why we form these unintentional biases. It will then untangle the nexus between unintentional biases and incivility, and how we can learn to recognize these biases in order to curb our own incivility.

Ask the speaker a question. Email and be sure to include the program name in the subject line.

Preventing Burnout in the Legal Profession

Life as an attorney can be exhausting, overwhelming, and all-consuming. The constant stress and demands on your time can put any attorney in a never-ending cycle that can lead to burnout or otherwise harm the career you have worked so hard to build. In this program, family law attorney turned life coach and author Wendy Meadows will discuss what “burnout” really means, what it looks like in the legal profession, identify the signs to look for that might signal that burnout is on the horizon, and give you the tools you need to overcome burnout starting NOW! To delve even deeper into the discussion, special education lawyer and trained moderator Jackie Deam will be helping to facilitate the presentation to ensure Wendy answers the questions on everyone’s mind.

How to Achieve Success and Happiness

The presenters are Neville Johnson, author of the best-seller, The John Wooden Pyramid of Success, Stephen S. Marmer, MD and PhD, a top psychiatrist with an extensive and impressive resume, and Judge Stephen Pfahler’s (Superior Court, Stanley Mosk Courthouse), The Whole Truth For Lawyers, A Complete Guide To Flourishing In Your Life And Career. John Wooden created the legendary Pyramid and its elements will be discussed along with a discussion of the recent Harvard study on happiness, and Judge Pfahler will discuss his findings and conclusions on the subjects.

Microaggressions and Gaslighting in the Legal Profession

What is implicit bias and how can it manifest in almost undetectable ways in all aspects of the legal profession? Our distinguished panelists have been on every side of the legal profession: attorney, mediator, and judicial officer. They will discuss two prevalent, yet covert ways implicit bias affects every sphere of the legal profession: microaggressions and gaslighting. They will provide real life examples from the legal profession and what we as attorneys can do better to move the legal profession forward.

Understanding How Bias Plays a Role in Our Decision-Making

As lawyers, we are looked to for sound, strategic advice by our clients. We are asked to solve complex issues and often must navigate heightened emotions from various parties while diligently advising our clients. In the session, you will learn how to have greater awareness of bias in decision making and how to interrupt bias before it negatively affects you and your client. Mindy Gulati will touch on the brain science of cognitive bias and dig into practical tips and tools for how to address bias as we navigate our ethical obligations to our clients.

Ethical Issues in Legal Billing

This program will explore the ethical duties of an attorney when billing clients, as well as best practices to avoid fee disputes and ensure entitlement to payment.

Ethics of Using AI: An Examination of The California Bar’s AI Regulations

The State Bar of California has adopted new guidelines which address the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the legal profession. The “Practical Guidance for the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Practice of Law,” which is influenced by the recommendations of the Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct (COPRAC), touches upon confidentiality, competence, compliance, communication, candor, billing, and bias. The goal is to clarify what ethical obligations lawyers have and what pitfalls to avoid when relying on AI.

Lawyers need to know about this evolving technology in order to understand the coming regulation, avoid non-compliance, and to protect the public.

This program will review the new guidelines and how AI promises to revolutionize the practice of law.

Understanding Attorney Obligations under RPC 8.3, The New Rat Rule

The new Rule of Professional Conduct 8.3, that requires lawyers to report other lawyers for certain types of illegal conduct, has generated questions about when it is necessary to report conduct, what types of illegal conduct are required to be reported, and what types of conduct shouldn't be reported. This program will provide guidelines for the average practitioner and will also address reporting requirements when the conduct comes from lawyers within the same firm, pursuant to Rules 5.1 and 5.2. This knowledge is essential for anyone managing a law office, particularly since a violation can affect not only a lawyer involved in wrongdoing, but the lawyer or lawyers who could be disciplined for failing to report the errant lawyer.

Complicated Ethics Issues in Fee Agreements

This panel of top attorneys in malpractice and ethics will discuss the complicated issues in fee agreements, including:

- Contingent fees of 50% or more
- Changing fee amounts mid-stream
- Can a contingent fee ever be increased after the initial K is entered?
- Taking a percentage of the client’s income in perpetuity (despite new counsel, new K having been negotiated, and other change of circumstances, can this be shoehorned into an unconscionability argument?)
- Nuances of referral fees; best practices for handling fee disputes
- Requirement of observing MFAA in B&P Code before compelling contractual arbitration
- Arbitration agreements
- When and what do you have to tell the client to seek independent counsel before agreeing (e.g., waiver of a jury trial is an essential right that needs to be carefully considered; that the loser in litigation may pay attorney’s fees)

The Art of Legal Writing

What’s the secret to good legal writing? Spoiler alert – the answer is not AI (yet). Like any craft, writing can be arduous, even for the seasoned practitioner. But the keys to good writing are not hidden. In this session, two experienced litigators (both former federal prosecutors and appellate law clerks) share tried and true tips on how to write persuasively and well. They will cover fundamental topics such as organizing a brief, structuring an argument, improving sentence flow, choosing the right words (and more). Whether you are beginning your legal writing journey or seeking to perfect your skills, this session is for you.

Section 998 Settlement Offers: How to Turn a Loss Into a Win, and Vice-Versa

Join our panelists for an exploration of the crucial aspects of Code of Civil Procedure Section 998. This program will equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of making, accepting, rejecting, and evaluating Section 998 offers.

Using Sanchez to Your Advantage

The CTA Has Been Declared Unconstitutional. What’s Next?

Join us for a panel discussion with experts who will explore the litigation, the constitutional issues it highlighted, and the decision's impact on reporting requirements and businesses. Our panelists include Vince Farhat, a litigator and former Assistant United States Attorney; Lydia Duynstee, a transactional business consultant; and Mark Hiraide, who advises entrepreneurs, startups, and publicly traded companies.

This is a webinar you won't want to miss.

The Secret History of the Right to Privacy

Amy Gajda is the Jeffrey D. Forchelli Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School and the author of Seek and Hide: The Tangled History of the Right to Privacy, named one of the New York Times’s 100 most notable books for 2022. Gajda will talk about the history of privacy with a special emphasis on media law from the very beginning of the United States (before Warren & Brandeis and their Harvard Law Review article, there was Adams & Cushing and their worries about privacy protection for “instances of male conduct”) through to today when media-related privacy interests seem robust, even at the Supreme Court.

The Ins and Outs of Arbitration Law

Jeffrey E. Raskin
Greines, Martin, Stein and Richland, LLP

Jeffrey Raskin is an appellate attorney and partner at Greines, Martin, Stein and Richland LLP (GMSR), where he handles all manner of civil appeals and writs. He has twice been honored with the prestigious California Lawyer Attorney of the Year (CLAY) Award for precedent-setting Supreme Court wins in vastly different areas of substantive law?arbitration law; estates & trusts; and attorney ethics. He has developed particular expertise handling a wide array of arbitration-related issues at the trial, appellate, and Supreme Court levels.

The Evolving 4th Amendment: Foundations of Cyber and Privacy Law

This lecture will focus on the foundations of cyber and privacy law, explaining the source of privacy and cyber law. It will then transition into an analysis of the modern applications of the laws and the legal instability created by outdated laws. An essential portion will be devoted toward demonstrating the Supreme Court’s updated perspectives of privacy and the consequences of that. Finally, this lecture will discuss contemporaneous issues that have been recently decided by the Supreme Court

The EU AI Act – A Primer for US Lawyers

The European Union’s recently adopted AI Act represents one of the most comprehensive attempts globally to govern the development and deployment of AI technologies. The reach of this new regulation extends far beyond the EU and will significantly impact providers of AI tools worldwide, both directly and indirectly.

We will break down some of the complexities of the law to help you proactively issue-spot AI-related legal issues facing your clients. The session will cover practical points on how the AI Act will impact various business sectors and what it specifically means for US-based operations, as well as a step-by-step plan to help guide clients on their journey to compliance and, and how to assess and manage AI technology providers to ensure compliance across borders.

Ask the speaker a question. Email and be sure to include the program name in the subject line.

Reclaim 10.0 Hours of Billable Time This Week

Are billable hour requirements the most stressful part of your practice as an attorney? Do you endlessly procrastinate entering your billing, forget certain billable tasks, under-bill some time, and feel tempted to pad your billing at the end of the day/week/month - to make up for these bad billing habits?

In this CLE, attorney and certified life coach Molly Kremer, will teach you 3 of her unique coaching strategies for reclaiming at least 10 hours of billable time each and every week. That's over 520 hours a year in added billing! This program is not about how to squeeze in 520 more hours of work. It is about reclaiming those hours so that you can finally meet or exceed your billable hour requirements, have more time for yourself, family and friends, and finally enjoy ALL of your legal practice.

Ouch! Piercing the Corporate Veil

This program will provide attorneys an understanding of the fundamentals and nuances of piercing the corporate veil. Program topics will include a discussion of what it means to pierce the corporate veil, applicability to different corporate structures, impact on shareholders, and the elements that the courts may look to in order to determine whether piercing the corporate veil is permissible.

Mastering the Art of License Agreements

This program, tailored for both newcomers and experienced professionals in the legal and business sectors, will explore the fundamentals and nuances of license agreements. This session will walk you through the critical aspects of negotiating, drafting, and managing license agreements with precision. Whether you are a licensor or a licensee, this webinar will provide you with essential insights to customize your contracts effectively to meet your client’s or business’ unique objectives. A must for professionals looking to deeper their understanding and maximize the benefits of license agreements

Ask the speaker a question. Email and be sure to include the program name in the subject line.

A Judicial Perspective on Unlawful Detainer Practice

In this program, the Honorable Lawrence Cho will share his insights and knowledge on Unlawful Detainer practice. Discussion topics will include: The COVID-era moratoria and the protections still in place today and how to try an unlawful detainer action before a judge or jury.

Fundamentals of Corporate Compliance and Strategies for Success

In this session we will discuss the nuts and bolts of a successful corporate compliance program. During this session you will learn:

- What is corporate compliance?
- What is the difference between corporate compliance and regulatory compliance?
- What are the seven elements of a corporate compliance program?
- What are success strategies for a corporate risk assessment?
- What are common areas for corporate compliance pitfalls?

Asha Muldro, Deputy General Counsel, Senior Managing Director, Guidepost Solutions.

Present Cash Value Explained!

Economist Dr. Matthew McMahon will explain the fundamental principles of calculating and understanding present cash value and its significance to attorneys. The program will emphasize the significance of using the correct methodology, suitable estimation techniques, and the possible effects on your client's final compensation. In addition, the program will provide a thorough analysis of individual and commercial claims. If you deal with economic damages and want to understand the true value of your client’s settlement or judgement, this course is a must!

The 411 on Nonprofit Formation

Nonprofit law attorney Heather Glick-Atalla will discuss the pros and cons of forming a nonprofit tax-exempt organization, the different types of nonprofits, and the formation process.

ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and CoPilot: A Comparison Through Real-World Examples
ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and CoPilot: A Comparison Through Real-World Examples
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: Technology)
Everyone’s a Little Uncivil And Biased Too
Everyone’s a Little Uncivil And Biased Too
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: Civility)
Preventing Burnout in the Legal Profession
Competence Issues)
Preventing Burnout in the Legal Profession
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: Competence Issues)
How to Achieve Success and Happiness
Wellness Competence)
How to Achieve Success and Happiness
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: Wellness Competence)
Microaggressions and Gaslighting in the Legal Profession
Implicit Bias)
Microaggressions and Gaslighting in the Legal Profession
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: Implicit Bias)
Understanding How Bias Plays a Role in Our Decision-Making
Elimination of Bias)
Understanding How Bias Plays a Role in Our Decision-Making
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: Elimination of Bias)
Ethical Issues in Legal Billing
Legal Ethics)
Ethical Issues in Legal Billing
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: Legal Ethics)
Ethics of Using AI: An Examination of The California Bar’s AI Regulations
Legal Ethics)
Ethics of Using AI: An Examination of The California Bar’s AI Regulations
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: Legal Ethics)
Understanding Attorney Obligations under RPC 8.3, The New Rat Rule
Legal Ethics)
Understanding Attorney Obligations under RPC 8.3, The New Rat Rule
(CLE Credit: 1.25,
Credit Type: Legal Ethics)
Complicated Ethics Issues in Fee Agreements
Legal Ethics)
Complicated Ethics Issues in Fee Agreements
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: Legal Ethics)
The Art of Legal Writing
The Art of Legal Writing
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
Section 998 Settlement Offers: How to Turn a Loss Into a Win, and Vice-Versa
Section 998 Settlement Offers: How to Turn a Loss Into a Win, and Vice-Versa
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
Using Sanchez to Your Advantage
Using Sanchez to Your Advantage
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
The CTA Has Been Declared Unconstitutional. What’s Next?
The CTA Has Been Declared Unconstitutional. What’s Next?
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
The Secret History of the Right to Privacy
The Secret History of the Right to Privacy
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
The Ins and Outs of Arbitration Law
The Ins and Outs of Arbitration Law
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
The Evolving 4th Amendment: Foundations of Cyber and Privacy Law
The Evolving 4th Amendment: Foundations of Cyber and Privacy Law
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
The EU AI Act – A Primer for US Lawyers
The EU AI Act – A Primer for US Lawyers
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
Reclaim 10.0 Hours of Billable Time This Week
Reclaim 10.0 Hours of Billable Time This Week
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
Ouch! Piercing the Corporate Veil
Ouch! Piercing the Corporate Veil
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
Mastering the Art of License Agreements
Mastering the Art of License Agreements
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
A Judicial Perspective on Unlawful Detainer Practice
A Judicial Perspective on Unlawful Detainer Practice
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
Fundamentals of Corporate Compliance and Strategies for Success
Fundamentals of Corporate Compliance and Strategies for Success
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
Present Cash Value Explained!
Present Cash Value Explained!
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
The 411 on Nonprofit Formation
The 411 on Nonprofit Formation
(CLE Credit: 1.00,
Credit Type: General)
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Original price was: $935.Current price is: $500.

Original price was: $935.Current price is: $500.

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Original price was: $1,620.Current price is: $360.

Original price was: $1,620.Current price is: $360.

Original price was: $1,620.Current price is: $360.

Original price was: $450.Current price is: $175.

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Original price was: $90.Current price is: $60.

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Original price was: $1,125.Current price is: $250.

Original price was: $1,125.Current price is: $250.

Original price was: $1,125.Current price is: $250.

Original price was: $1,125.Current price is: $250.

Original price was: $1,125.Current price is: $250.

Original price was: $1,125.Current price is: $250.

Watch any CLE and your certificate is automatically emailed to you within minutes and is also stored in your BHBA+ profile for easy access. Login to BHBA+ and effortlessly visualize your CLE credits, monitor deadlines, and stay ahead of your compliance requirements with our intuitive progress tracking. Stream all CLEs on your phone, tablet, and computer when and where they fit your schedule.

Tells us who you need and when below